Thursday, January 10, 2013

Going long distance

For the past six months I have been training for a 10 mile paddle board race. Paddling was something I started about five years ago. When I moved back home that's when I started seeing all the races going on. 10 miles paddling in the open ocean is not easy. Lots of things can change out there. In the matter of a few mins it can go from calm and sunny to windy 3 foot water chop and really bad lightning storms.. For that reason I have not just been training in sunny weather. You can catch me at the beach 20knt winds and big chop.. This is also a great work out. Using your core stabilizer muscles the whole time can leave you very sore the next day. Since I have been training for this so intense I have found that my energy day to day, and my performance in the gym is much better.

Paddling is great for people trying to loose weight, or who want a light form of exercise. You don't have to go out in crazy conditions to get the benefits. A nice mile long paddle every day is really all you need. Make sure to wear SPF out there. Over the summer I got burned pretty bad. My problem was a quick paddle always turned into 3-4 hours on the water. I just traded in my cruising board for a brand new custom race board. Can't wait for my race next month. I'll keep you posted on how I do

I have posted a pic of one of my cruising days. On days like these my Boston terrier always comes along. As soon as I change into my swim suit she starts going bananas.. She might be small but man that dog is not afraid of anything!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Chapter 1

Hello world, I'm back!

It seems like it has been forever since I have found myself behind my computer screen typing away, but here I am. It is 2013 and I think this year will prove to be one for the books.

Over the new years I spent my time in the crazy shit show that is NYC. I decided to take on the city like I have never done before. The last time I was in Manhattan I kinda let my ex take me to all of his favorite places, while most of them were amazing I decided to check out a few things a single guy in NYC might like. First I checked myself into The Mark on Madison Ave. My recent obsession for the T.V show gossip girl had me some what fascinated with the upper east side. I know this show started in like 07 and its more for girls in middle school but I cant seem to stop watching the very predictable drama. Anywho.. I went to a few places I had to revisit one being Sara Beths on Madison. A very special person introduced me to that place and every time I go to the city I always make a stop. For the two days I was in the city I checked out some places I had never been. Went to the Statue Of Liberty, took a very long walk around central park. I really have to say I have never seen so many people running around in shorts in 40 degree weather before. I guess being from florida the thought of being in shorts in cold weather gives me nightmares.

My first night I spent walking around the city and just really taking in the whole experience. The other times I had been here I was really on a tight schedule. I walked down to the theater district and looked at all the new shows, honestly though I could not justify those ridiculous prices. Instead I found myself at this really amazingly fun restaurant called Ellens Star Dust Diner. The singing wait staff filled up any need to see a Broadway show. I talked to a few waiters (very cute I might add) and they said most of the wait staff works here between shows. So hey I got to see some Broadway singing and dancing, and have a burger and LARGE milk shake for 20 bucks! Now that's...

After dinner I went back to my room, took a little power nap and headed to the night club Splash. I was in the mood for some NYC club action. I have been to some pretty amazing clubs and seen some very sexy people, I dont know what it was about that night but I have never seen so many good looking guys. I typically go for tall, and muscular also I dont mind a few tattoos either. I like that bad boy look. I was having my usual vodka and sprite with a splash of cran. After about 4 I found my ass out on the dance floor with no shirt on and dancing with a sexy greek guy who flew in for NYE. Give me some olive skin and a accent and I am all in. He could not believe I flew in to town not knowing anyone and just going out by myself, he introduced me to three of his friends who did not speak a lick of English. I managed to just smile and laugh when they did. After 6-7 cocktails no one is listing to you anyways, that's what I was thinking anyways. I had a great time with my sexy greek guy, dancing to some awesome remixed 80s jams, and having one to many shots. It was about 2 am when I decided to say "yassou" which is goodbye in greek, see I was not THAT drunk :) I was jumping in a cab and the other door opened and there was Mr. Greek guy smiling and he jumped in back to my hotel room. I can honestly say I had never slept with a guy from Greece but my lord do they know how to have a great time in bed. When we got into the room all bets were off. We slammed each other up against the walls kissing, and ripping off each others clothes. Next thing I knew I was in the shower with him. The hottest thing about him fucking me in the shower was when he grabbed my hip with his right hand and with his left grabbed my hair and pulling me back into him. he bit my ear and whispered something in his language, not really sure what he was saying but it sounded so good he could of said "turkey sandwich" and I would not have known the difference.  One thing I never ever do no matter how many Vodkas I have is let a trick stay over. It was NYE I was alone in Manhattan and had this 6'3 tan Greek guy passing out in the bed next to me. What would you have done??

The next morning I had to meet up with friends for brunch. First things first getting in one last hot session with Mr. Greek guy. I walked him out and headed to brunch. I once again stuffed myself while trying to nurse my hang over with 10 glasses of water. I went back to my room and slept until 5 pm. There went most of my last day so I decided my body was telling me to take it easy. I headed to dinner around 7 to Caravaggio. I got Spaghetti Al Pesto Siciliano, that was just what the doctor ordered. I never noticed how people look at you when you eat alone at a nice place. I got a full dose of the upper east siders judgment. I took a brisk walk back to my hotel trying not to freeze my ass off. I tucked myself in for my last night in the city.

The next morning I was off to JFK to catch a ride back to warm sunny Tampa, FL. All in all it was a very great trip. I met some very interesting people, had one really good roll in the hay. I ate my way through the upper east side restaurants, and as for my obsession with the show gossip girl and the lavish upper east side lifestyle, I think I will leave that all to my girl Blair Waldorf

Have a wonderful 2013